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Ruzhu Wang
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Shanghai Jiao Tong University | 教授

WANG Ruzhu (R. Z. Wang), born in Dec.1964, graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in 1984, 1987 and 1990 for his bachelor, master and PhD degrees. He was promoted as associate professor in 1992, full professor in 1994 at SJTU.  

He has written 12 Books and about 700 co-authored international journal papers and more than 150 patents, his ISI h index is 76 with a citation over 25,000. He is a leading scientist in heat pumps, CCHPs, solar heating and cooling, and green building energy systems. He has won Chinese National Research Awards in 2010 and 2014 respectively. Prof. Wang received the J & E Hall International Gold Medal from the Institute of Refrigeration (UK) in 2013, Asia Refrigeration Academic Award in 2017, the Nukiyama Memorial Award from the Japanese Society of Heat Transfer in 2018, the IIR-Gustav Lorentzen Medal from the International Institute of Refrigeration in 2019, the Peter Ritter von Rittinger International Heat Pump Award from the International Energy Agency (IEA) in 2021, the Georg Alefeld Memorial Award (ISHPC’2021).  

He had been appointed as the director of Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics of SJTU since 1993. Currently he is also the Director- Engineering Research Center of Solar Energy, MOE China, Vice dean of SJTU Energy Institute. His research group has awarded as Excellent Innovative Team of Energy Research from MOST China in 2014 and NSFC in 2015. 

Prof. Wang is currently the Deputy editor-in-chief of Energy, Regional editor-International Journal of Refrigeration.

王如竹教授,上海交通大学制冷与低温工程研究所所长,长江、杰青,国家基金委创新群体负责人,万人计划科技领军人才。长期从事制冷与热泵研究,在低品位热能高效转换与利用领域做出了系统的、创造性的成就:建立了完整的吸附制冷理论,构建了太阳能热利用系列新方法,发展了低品位热能高效利用技术体系。以第一完成人获国家自然科学二等奖 1 项、国家技术发明 二等奖 1 项;个人获国际制冷 J&E Hall 金牌、国际热科学 Nukiyama 纪念奖、亚洲制冷学术奖、国际制冷最高学术奖Gustav Lorentzen Medal。出版著作 12 部;累计发表SCI 论文 500余篇,SCI 他引 16000余次,h 指数 66,包括Joule 3篇,EES 1篇,AM 1篇等顶刊论文10余篇 。入选 20172018全球高被引学者。在国际重要会议上做大会主旨报告 39次。25 项国家发明专利获得转化与应用,产生显著经济和社会效益。担 任 Energy 副主编、国际制冷学报地区主编等。所指导的博士获全国优博 2 篇、全国优博 提名 4 篇。曾获国家教学成果二等奖(2009,排 1),国家级教学名师、全国模范教师、上海市首届教书育人楷模、全国五一劳动奖章和全国先进工作者等荣誉。

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Date (UTC+8) Time (UTC+8) Local Time Room Session Role Talk Title
2022-04-09 09:20-11:20 2022-04-09,09:20-11:20Plenary Session

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